Bullshit somes up your comments here perfectly. Now the fact we see them differently as in terrorists being glorified and honoured by having cups named after them, the fact the whole Protestant/Unionist community views them as such, the fact many Catholics view them as such although many don't. DO YOU NOT think it is about time these names were dropped to show things were REALLY being done to stamp out sectarianism.
I thought the Celtic tiger was booming so why worry about hurley sticks, plenty more business going on and I am sure there would be outcries if Irish jobs were affected because of other places taking the same stance as the GAA.
tHEN IF IT IS OPEN to all people why have such a rule especially when they are trying to reach out to Unionists. Bit hypocritical IMO.
Errr NO.
If you are trying to be smart then it isn't working. By now you should know that hell will freeze over before I would even think about joining as things presently stand. Infact I am taking part in educating those in my community and beyond of what exactly the rules of the GAA are and what exactly much of the GAA is about in N.Ireland.
I already know this song, I have it on cd and I agree with those in the republic who think the words in some lines should be changed. Bit sectarian and provocotive to say the least. BTW why did you post the words? I think you are only trying to antagonize me, unfortunately it is not working because I probably have has many rebel songs as you have and I do listen to them at times along with loyalist music and all kinds of music. I have already told you one of my favourite tunes is snipers promise, the words are alot of shite but it is a nice tune.
But if you feel the need to try and annoy me on posting songs etc then it will not work.
Then why reach out to Unionists and encourage them to join to make the sport inclusive???
Mmm I thought the gaa was about Irish culture not republican culture, so why do you point out Unionist culture. Anyway what about Ulster-scots? The OO for example does not allow members of other faiths but other faiths are allowed to walk alongside Orangemen, other faiths are indeed invited to take part in the twelth celebrations. Take the Chinese community for example, they took part in the parade as did local actors from both religions. Catholic businessmen take part by having stalls etc in the field alongside Protestants.
Scarva is another parade which is probably my favourite. All people are invited to attend and to take part if they wish, I suppose every parade all peoples are invited to come along and enjoy the bands. Even at the parade in Loughall the grand master of Ghana took part in the parade, I suppose this could dispel myths floating about the OO and the KKK are similar.
NO you know exactly what I am saying and exactly what I mean.
Commemorating murdering criminal scumbags that targeted the Unionist/Protestant community certainly is sectarian. Could you tell me the loyalist terrorists the OO commemorates. My culture BTW does not celebrate terrorists, maybe some do BUT I DON'T. So don't emphasize the YOUR by saying it is part of my culture. You glorify terrorists, I don't.
Just laughable. The level of inclusiveness the GAA has is an absolute classic. You really don't have a clue what inclusiveness means now do you???
Haha another classic. Republicans are experts in disparging other cultures, namely loyalist/Unionist.
Yes you have, it seems you support sectarianism , promote sectarianism, promote alienating one section of the community and continuation of offending one community VIA SPORT.
So I have to be all of these to have an opinion? Sure you are not a Catholic by any sense of the word. So I don't support any political party?? Is this because I hardly voted before? How do you know now that I don't lean towards any party or infact am not working within my community within political camps. Maybe it's an anti-agreement movement, maybe it's to do with a different stratedgy etc. But you think what you want to think.
Errrrr what exactly do you mean by that broad snipe? Do you mean because I am not in the OO? SO now one has to be in the OO to be party to it.
My goodness your cage has been rattled. Obviously a Unionist pointing out sectarianism within the GAA which has strong ties with republicanism is a bit much for you to handle? Do you not like the awkward questions, the nicey nice public face being exposed for what it really is etc??
I am here to debate, I am here to put my opinions across, I am here to defend and argue the Unionist/loyalist cause, I am here to show what I believe to be right and I stand corrected when I am wrong. If I can make one republican see at least one bit of common ground with me from a Unionist perspective on 'touchy' subjects then my time on the forums will be worthwhile.
While I want to try and make a difference and understand I am not going to sit back and let republicans or anyone else dictate everything, nor am I going to let them be hypocritical and not mention it. You say I point the finger well fair enough. BUT thing is republicans in general are constantly pointing the finger so why do you have such a problem with anyone pointing the finger at republicans? Is it you don't want your PR campaign to be tainted or people to know what really lies behind the mask of reaching out etc?
Believe it or not I have respoect for each of the above mentioned. Although I would have to say I hold Jim in the same par as I hold Marcus and that is having alot of respect for them. If you want me to single each out and call them scum then I WILL NOT DO IT. Afd and myself are hardly pals and he has hardly been friendly towards me but I do respect him to an extent, I do enjoy his posts even though I may disagree with the.
Now if you want me to talk about republicans as a whole who took part in the troubles then I will say as I have said before they are cowardly scum. BUT I do accept threre were some dedicated terrorist shwo perhaps would have been against the sectarian nature of the ira.
Now as a Unionist you have made it crystal clear that you don't want me to continue with awkward questions, question the answers I get, condemn republicans, condemn the GAA etc ehile at the sametime you and others are very vocal on the OO etc. So as a mod on this site I wish to resign my mod status because I cannot and will not go along with republicans dictating what can be discussed and what can't. When the subject is sensitive then if it doesn't lie well with republicans I get accused of all sorts, yet laughably republicans can say what they wany and point the finger all the time at the British/Unionist/Protestant/loyalispeople.
If it suits you better you can ban me if I have broken the rules or if I am to outspoken for republicans then ban me. While I will miss the site I will accept it.