Free speech, free association, in a British city? Not if Sally Penton’s views are accepted. Her letter, of September 13 could have come straight from the Irish Republican terrorists’ instruction manual on how to bully others into submission.
The Orange Lodge parade in Carlisle
After years of murder and mayhem by supporters of the IRA the Orange Order still survives, albeit walking in many cases in Northern Ireland only when and where the Republican movement permits, just as Sally Penton suggests.
There was no sign of sectarian politics on Saturday, that is generally introduced by the Order’s opponents as a propaganda tool. And as a child I watched Orange parades as entertainment in company with my Catholic neighbours, and with no dissension.
The Republican-inspired violence of the late 1960s saw an end to that, but that spirit of live and let live is now slowly returning.
Note too that many of the marchers wore medals for service in this country’s Armed Forces. They, like I, took risks Sally so that you and I could have the right to our opinion.
Sadly, however, there are still some in this country who disagree so I reluctantly withhold my name and address for publication.
Name and address supplied
First published at 11:33, Thursday, 17 September 2009